At Aitronik, we believe that training and sharing represent two fundamental tools for the growth of people and teams. This is why we love hosting training workshops and sharing experiences.
And it is in this spirit that on Monday, April 8, we received the visit from EUROAVIA Pisa. This nonprofit association is based at the University of Pisa and is affiliated with EUROAVIA, the European Association of Aerospace Engineering Students.
Why was it important?
The answer is simple: the confrontation between academia and industry is strategic for the growth of our country. At a time when innovation and technology are driving the future, open dialogue between students and companies becomes crucial. This is where revolutionary ideas, ambitious projects, and world-changing solutions can emerge.

Meeting with EUROAVIAPisa allowed us to share experiences in an unfiltered chat, where we could sit next to students and talk about challenges, mistakes, and successes, and everything that makes engineering so fascinating.
Thank you EUROAVIA Pisa for your valuable contribution to the next generation of aerospace engineers.
We are proud of the Pisa area and the excellence it can host.