ICT Innovation on Vehicular Technology and Applications Conference

On Friday, June 7, a workshop entitled “ICT Innovation on Vehicular Technology and Applications” was held at the School of Engineering of the University of Pisa. Aitronik was invited to give a talk entitled “New Machine Learning Paradigms for Autonomous Driving Vehicles“. During the event, Giovanni Marco Cordella -a Machine Learning Researcher at Aitronik- provided […]

Aitronik is part of the HiPEAC Community

Now we are part of the HiPEAC Community! If you aim at finding a platform in the field of High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation for research collaboration, bringing together representatives from research, industry and policy, HiPEAC is definitely the right choice. HiPEAC provides a hub for European researchers and industry representatives in computing systems; […]

Aitronik is a member of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence

We are excited to share that AITRONIK has become a member of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA)! The entrance into AIxIA provides AITRONIK an important tool to keep constantly updated on events, research groups, and emerging technologies related to Artificial Intelligence in Italy and abroad. The Association aims at increasing the knowledge of […]