People Detector for Heavy Machines
Did you know that many incidents happen every year between heavy machines and people walking around? Heavy machines, like those used to move containers in ports, big excavators, etc. offer very poor visibility to the human operator. Whenever a person is located close to the vehicles, his safety is at serious risk. The purpose of […]
Artificial vision systems for construction robots
Have you ever seen a robot build a home, selecting the material and placing it precisely, without any human intervention? Probably not, but this is what could happen in the next years.For one of our clients, we developed an artificial vision system for a robot that was finally capable to autonomously build a wall. The […]
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for Seabed Exploration
Did you know that only 5% of the seabed have been explored by humans? The remaining 95% is still a mystery. The oceans occupy 70% of the Earth’s total surface area and over 90% of the planet’s living space. The oceans influence climate and weather patterns on earth, and a large number of oceanic flora […]
Multi-sensor based intrusion detection for Aerial Work Platforms
Job sites are not always at ground level. Sometimes, workers need to use aerial work platforms, to reach their work. In this case, the risk of falling and the hazard of dropping objects on to coworkers below is concrete. Moreover, pedestrians may also be present in the area where the vehicle is operating, and potentially […]